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Mike Gannon is much more than a personal trainer. He is a teacher, a life coach, and a reliable companion for his clients on their wellness journey. Mike’s passion for what he does shines through his dedication of getting his clients to their desired goals. I was lucky enough to be mentored by Mike Gannon over the summer of 2015. During that time Mike completely changed the course of my life. He taught me so much of what I know now as the head personal trainer at James Madison University. Mike is the most enlightened man I have ever had the pleasure to meet and I will always be so grateful for the opportunity to have learned from him.  


Caitlin Manson

Sterling, Virginia

Mindset, Nutrition, Strength and Recovery.  These four tenants of Mike’s approach explain the success I have had as I prepare for another triathlon season.  I have been training with Mike for several years, and the results of our workouts could not have been better.

Mike’s ability to help the athlete change the focus point from that area that is not successful to the area that is successful is remarkable.  As so much of any competition is mental, this key element is often ignored. Without this critical element in the workout routine success is limited.  Mike works with you to help you gain the self-confidence and positive mental approach to maximize your potential. 

Simply approaching a workout without the right fuel isn’t going to provide the full degree of success that is possible.  Regardless of your age, getting the right food into your body at the right time is a key element of an effective plan.  It must be done right, with the right timing, and with a certain amount of science.  Mike’s background and current knowledge of the most effective protocols will produce results. 

Nevertheless, don’t expect to go into Mike’s gym and not get a serious workout.  You will work very, very hard, but you will get results.  I’ve added muscle and power with steady regularity, and my speed and endurance have both increased as well.

Finally, Mike knows when not to push too hard.  Every day is not punishing, and the ability to utilize the concept that recovery is needed to get better is well in hand.  He understands this balance and achieves it with remarkable effectiveness.  

I recommend his work and his approach to anyone interested in getting on control of their performance goals. 


Update: Bill has since qualified for the Hawaii Ironman and slashed his overall competing time by 45 minutes. 


Bill Coquelin

Reston, Virginia

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- We Succeed!

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